Voucher DYPA 25-45
New Voucher for 10,000 Unemployed from DYPA !!
Announcement of a NEW employment promotion action, which enables 10,0000 registered unemployed aged 25 to 45 to participate in subsidized programs, which will include:
Theoretical distance training of 80 hours with an educational allowance of 400€ for the development of green and digital skills in the context of the national effort to upgrade the knowledge, abilities and skills of Human Resources (upskilling) and the retraining of (reskilling).
Certification of the knowledge, abilities and skills to be acquired under the training programme.
6-month full-time recruitment to Private Sector enterprises in jobs related to the subject of training, within the limits of the Regional Unit where the training programme was implemented.
Expression of Interest with a click
In particular, the Action attempts to update and/or upgrade the professional knowledge and skills of the beneficiaries, in order to strengthen the perspective of the transition of the beneficiaries to the labor market, with parallel theoretical training and certification, but also employment in the private sector. Official update on the Action: https://www.dypa.gov.gr/proghrammata-anoikhta Businesses that will employ the unemployed for 6 months in a new job will receive a grant of up to 100% of the total cost (wages and contributions), with a maximum of 6,132 euros
The Action is implemented under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan «Greece 2.0» with European Union funding – NextGenerationEU.