Voucher Tourism!

New Program in the Tourism Sector

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The Action is projected to concern 18,000 beneficiaries with an educational allowance of 1,250€. 

The action will concern the provision of theoretical training lasting 250 hours to 18,000 beneficiaries over the age of 18. The aim of the action is the acquisition of new skills and the retraining of those employed in the tourism sector, with the ultimate aim of the overall improvement of the services offered in the tourism sector.

What does the program include?

250 hours of remote asynchronous training
Participation in certification exams to obtain an official certificate, recognized by ASEP and public.
Educational allowance of 5€ per training hour

It is expected that the official Call of the Project will be published immediately with the necessary training implementation information. 

Specialties of training programs  
The specialties for which training is expected to take place are the following:  

Reception services and digital skills. (250 hours)  
Food and food hygiene and safety. (250 hours) 
Cooking and confectionery art. (250 hours)  
Roofing services and environmental management. (250 hours) 
Animator of Tourist Outdoor Recreation Activities. (250 hours) 
Bath Therapy/Thalassotherapy Services – SPA. (250 hours)  
Executive of Tourist Offices. (250 hours)  

Express Your Interest

As part of Action 16921, it is planned to draw up at least 18,000 beneficiaries through K.E.D.I.V.M of A.E.I. and through licensed K.D.B.M.. The number of beneficiaries to be drawn up per category of training provider can be determined by the relevant invitations.

The right to participate in the training programs and therefore the right to submit an application to participate for registration in the Register of Beneficiaries that the Ministry of Tourism will set up, natural persons – unemployed and employed workers – who meet the following criteria as a minimum:
a. They are Greek nationals, nationals of member states of the European Union (EU), and/or nationals of third countries (countries outside EU member states), who reside legally in the country.
b. Are seasonal workers in tourism enterprises or long-term or temporarily unemployed in the tourism sector or were workers of tourism enterprises, whose employment contracts were, in the years 2020 and/or 2021, suspended due to the temporary interruption or suspension of operations of the enterprises in which they worked, in the context of taking measures to prevent and counter the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus.
c. They are over 18 years old.
d. In the last decade, they have at least two hundred (200) daily wages in total in the tourism sector or in a specialty related to the training specialty.
e. They are registered in the Unemployed Register of the D.Y.P.A. (formerly O.A.E.D.), regardless of whether they receive unemployment benefit or not, in the case of unemployed candidates. In each training cycle of the program, 5% of the positions can be filled by people with disabilities, who have a percentage of more than 67%, if there is a relevant interest.

3. The simultaneous attendance of more than one specialty in the same training cycle is not allowed. It is possible to involve a trainee who successfully attended a previous cycle of the program in a subsequent cycle, in a different specialty, according to the terms of the relevant Announcement.

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